Friday, January 14, 2011


Well today, Keree didn't have school, they were off for something called school improvement day? Since the roads were finally clear, we ventured out and took my Mom to her appointment. Because the place was so crowded, Keree and I opted to sitting in the car, while she was inside. We drew, watched the traffic and talked about how much snow is still on the ground. When we got home, we took an early nap because this evening my Brother is heading into town for the weekend. We are all excited because this weekend we get to use our Christmas present, which was passes to the Cards Winter Warm-up. More than anything, I think we are excited just to spend time together as a family of 4. Keree misses her Uncle so much that it almost makes me want to sell everything and move closer to him. Once my Brother got home, we spent our evening helping pack everything we are taking this weekend, making a plan on who's autographs we were getting and just spending time together.

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