Friday, May 28, 2010

Lesson 5

I was up in plenty of time to get us all ready for PT this morning. I got dressed and then went to get Keree up. Of course this morning had to be "one of those mornings". From the moment, I tried to wake her, she was crying and just a mess. Luckily after convincing her to eat a few bites of breakfast, she was pretty happy again. I often wonder and have come to the conclusion, even though I'm only guessing but I think her meltdowns from waking up are from low blood sugar. So I finally I get all of us out of the house, we arrive at PT and I sign both Keree and my Mom in. That's when they inform me that our appointment wasn't until 930a. B*llsh*t!!! Our paper said 9am, I'm not stupid (plus I checked when I got home and it was 9am, so someone changed our appt!). Well they were able to get my Mom in right away but that left Keree and I waiting in the lobby till 930 for her appt. I wasn't too happy because honestly it felt like her PT was trying to say "hey, you show up early and I'm just gonna keep you waiting". I love her PT but I guess between being exhausted and just the whole aggravation of the situation, I was at my boiling point. Luckily exactly at 930, she came and got Keree. After PT, we had a business appt, needless to say we were there fffooorreeverr. At the last minute, I decided to run to Michaels in hopes of finding the elusive Lime Green Hot Pink Flamingo grosgrain. After searching the whole freakin' store, there was none to be found. I'm thinking the problem is, they haven't changed their displays over from Spring to Summer and I'm almost 100% for sure, my ribbon is on one of those Summer displays. By the time we got home, it was after 1pm. So Keree laid down for some quiet/nap time. She ended up taking almost a 3 hr nap. Once she woke up, my Mom made the mistake of telling Keree she could go outside. I guess my Mom didn't hear me before nap, when I told Keree that she would be having school when she woke up. Needless to say, my daughter wasn't feeling that well, so it sent her into a downward spiral. Luckily it didn't last long and we were able to sit down and work on Lesson 5. I honestly even if we would have breezed through the Lesson wasn't going to do two tonight. But we actually breezed through the first part but as we hit the almost final part, she struggles. I've complained since the beginning of the school year begging them to work on rhyming. Keree can rhyme some but this is literally one area she struggles in. We repeated the exercise more times I can count and I plan on reviewing it tomorrow and hopefully we will also complete the next lesson. We actually spent the rest of the evening outside since there was literally no humidity today, so even though it was in the high 80's, it felt amazing outside.

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