I can't believe that two weeks have passed since my Dad's death. It still feels like it was just yesterday, my Step-Mom was telling me he was no longer here. As crazy as it sounds, I kept thinking, they are playing a cruel joke on me. That he decided to fake his death so he wouldn't have to see us anymore. Because she was so calm, I kept thinking she's lying. I came so close to saying to her "just put him on the phone so I can give him a piece of my mind". When she mentioned the Funeral Home, that's when it really sunk in, that this was real. Then I couldn't say anything, I couldn't cry, I couldn't breath and suddenly my World became this hazy daze. As for this week, I think I'm doing better. The only time I get sad is when my mind wanders and I begin to think about all the things I didn't get to tell my Dad. And how much I wish I would have listened to what I was feeling and called him on that Friday, instead of making excuse after excuse not to call. I sometimes wonder if I would have called and talked to him, would have things turned out differently? I think the guilt of not calling him, is going to haunt me forever.
Well on to our day....we got up bright and early, which Keree and I totally didn't want to do. We got dressed and headed to Mom and Keree's 7am PT appt. For some reason today, there appt seemed to drag on, I swear the hour session was actually two hours. When we got finished, we grabbed a sandwich for breakfast/lunch before we started home. On the way home, we saw a sign for a yard sale and stopped by. Most of there stuff was either junk or priced way too high. But I did find a Brand New Uno and Skipbo game for 50 cents. They also had two really nice frames, the first one looked like a leather baseball for 25 cents and I paid 10 cents for the other frame. When we got home, my Mom was feeling ill. I'm assuming a combination of PT, the Heat and 99.9% humidity got to her. So while she rested, Keree laid on the couch trying to take a nap. Two hours later, she still wasn't asleep, so I joined her for a short time on the couch to help her fall asleep. Luckily, I didn't fall asleep too. Once Keree woke up from her nap, I promised her a special treat for being so good the past couple of days. She had seen awhile back a commercial about ring pops. Usually Keree doesn't go nuts about something but she went on and on and on about how she wanted to try one. Well when I was out the store last week, I picked up a bag that contained 4 ring pops. This way I could save them for special times. So, I made her sit on the couch with her eyes closed while I got her ring pop out. I then had her put her hands out and open her eyes. She squealed with such delight!! Keree couldn't get me to open the packaging fast enough for her. It took her almost 2 hours to finish the ring pop, it was so funny to watch her admiring it like it was a real diamond. Then this evening, I made from scratch mushroom/cheese stuffed pasta in alfredo sauce with garlic sauteed shrimp. It was so delicious and really hit the spot.
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