Friday, June 25, 2010

Going to the Courthouse......

This morning, we were up super bright and early trying to finish up everything we didn't get done yesterday. Once everything got done, I still had a small amount of time to waste before having to head to the bank to have some important paperwork notarized. Finally, I headed out to the bank, I just don't understand why they don't open till 9am. My Mom and Keree stayed behind at the house to finish getting ready. Needless to say, I returned home a little after 10:15a. I was so beyond frustrated when I arrived home. At this point, we are running so late. We hurriedly threw everything into the car and got on the road. We were about half way there, when I realized I forgot to take my allergy pills and I was starving. I joked to my Mom that this was starting to turn out like my Uncle's 1st wedding...where by the time the night ended, we hadn't ate anything all day, we were both sick to our stomachs and beyond miserable because everytime we turned around we were being demanded to do something. So at that moment, I took the next exit off the highway and grabbed us something to eat. I'd be damned if we were going to go the whole day without food. We finally arrived at the Bride & Groom's house, the Bride showed us around before she went to get dressed with my Mom's help. Keree and I just chilled downstairs waiting for our side of the family to arrive. When they arrived, there was little time to spare and we made the short walk over to the Courthouse. We were quite the sight going through Security, especially when they x-rayed my bag. 5 cameras, 1 video camera, extra tapes, extra memory cards, can't even count how many batteries and of course a few snacks just in case for Keree. Also both the Bride & my Uncle have large families (30+ people), plus they will have a blended family of 5 kids together. Needless to say, the Courthouse had screwed up on the time and booked another couple at the same time. Then the Judge showed up a good 20 minutes late. Keree was getting quite restless, along with the other Two 4 yr olds that were there (Cousin Jeb & Bride's Niece). Finally the ceremony started, first came in my Uncle followed by the 3 Sons, then came the 2 Daughters finally followed by the Bride. The ceremony was actually alot longer than we expected and it was really sweet. Before the ceremony started, I gave Keree my purse camera to keep her entertained and quiet during the ceremony since I had 2 camera to manage at the same time. I had to laugh because Keree took a picture of me and I was quite the sight with the video in one hand and my Still camera in the other. Once the ceremony was finished, we started to quickly take the normal wedding group shots. But as much as I love my Uncle and his new Bride, they were quite the handful to take pictures of. I'm just thankful I got the few good shots I did. We then headed back to their house for the reception. Honestly at that point, I was so frustrated from the Courthouse because I could get no cooperation, that I didn't take any until they started cutting the cake. So I took none of the food, food lines, people eating, visiting, etc....Instead my Mom took those pictures. Finally when it was time to cut the cake, I went inside to take pictures. All the 4 year olds, couldn't wait to get a piece of cake, so they all sat down in the floor by the cake table to patiently wait. It was adorable, so was when they all sat down at the piano and played together (Jeb is the oldest, then Keree and the Bride's niece is the youngest). After the cake was served, everyone just sat around visiting until finally their Guests insisted they open their presents so everyone could see them. Luckily the Bride and Groom complied and so we enjoyed getting to see the presents. Before we knew it, it was getting late. My Grandparents was watching all 5 Kids at the hotel and we had all decided to go swimming there. But what we had all failed to realize was how late it was. I couldn't believe it was after 9pm (maybe because the sun was still out). I had promised Keree we would go swimming but there was no way we could go being that late. Keree took the news well and understood we had to get home to get up early for baseball. So we said our good-byes to everyone and started the long drive home. We weren't even out of town and Keree was fast asleep in her carseat.

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