I've lost count of how many days it's been over 100 degrees around here. With as hot as it's been and with no a/c in the house, it's came down to doing only what you have to get done. But this evening, was a welcomed reprieve from the oppressive heat. We headed about 1 1/2hrs up North to Keree's Great-Great Aunt Kimmie's house to attend Keree's very first tupper ware party. I remember when I was little going to these parties all the time but since then they have seemed to have died off in this area. Keree enjoyed sitting there listening to the Tupper ware lady talk but she also enjoyed getting to visit with our family. I've tossed around the idea of moving back up there, to be closer to family but once I get home, reality snaps me back.
Anyways, back to the party, the Tupper ware lady fixed an pineapple upside down cake in one of the dishes. Now, I'm not really big on fruit pies or cakes but I have to say, we all really enjoyed it. After the party was over and we placed our order, we stayed around a little while and visited. Keree really wanted to see her Great-Great Uncle and lucky for us, he came home right before we head to leave. Before we knew it, it was after 10p, so we had to get on the road to head home. Keree stayed awake until we got home, which was amazing and then didn't want to go to bed. I guess she was over tired.
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