Wednesday, October 6, 2010


When I dropped Keree off at school, my Mom and I then went and ran a few errands....actually we ran to Michaels in search of some bulk wood packs. Of course, we were meet with "I've never seen anything like that here" or "I guess we never carried it." Umm, yeah, you are the same store that we've bought about 20 packs from since last Spring till just a month ago. I don't know where they hire these people from because the ones in my store, seriously have no knowledge of their products or how they work. When I went to pick Keree up, the summary said that they made marble paintings, talked about put downs and how they can hurt our friends, also that they shouldn't tell people they aren't their friends and that they should all play nicely. It seems that the Same Boy who hit my daughter with a toy (who will now be known as Bully Boy), is also the child who is telling people they aren't friends anymore and just wrecking havoc in the classroom. Now, one interesting thing happened today, I saw who Bully Boy's Mom was. I've seen her before but didn't know who's Mom she was. Of course, it explained alot of Bully Boy's behavior. She is one of those "natural parents" (as she puts it), she lets her child do whatever, never says "no" and believes the child is always right and should not under any circumstance be punished. All I can say is a child should have boundaries and a sense of right and wrong, which this child doesn't have and probably never will. After we picked up Keree, we then had to headed up North and visited two County courthouses. I was needing a copy of my Dad's birth & death certificate. I gotta say it was all a little surreal, having these two pieces of paper in my hand. It felt like His whole life was summed up on two pieces of paper. I did find a few interesting things like, his Mom's name is wrong on the death certificate and I also found out that my Dad passed away a little after 5pm on that Friday but my Step-Mom didn't call me till around 7am on Saturday. She didn't notify any of his family until Saturday. I'm perplexed still, why didn't anyone call us until 14+ hours after he passed away? I guess it's a question I'll never have an answer for. Keree of course fell asleep while we were on the road, luckily my Mom was along, so she stayed in the car while I ran in and got the certificates. As we were heading home, we passed another Micheals. So, my Mom ran in and luckily, there was one bulk pack of wood. She was so excited that they had some. The downside, they didn't know if they would be getting anymore in. When we got home, of course Keree woke up. Since she still wasn't feeling well, she asked to lay down and watch cartoons and I happily obliged. Before too long, it was time to leave for practice. Of course, I wanted to make sure to leave early so I would actually have a parking space at this field. There is only 15 parking spaces and if you don't get one of these, you risk parking on a dead end street and getting trapped or have to park almost a 1/2 mile away and walk. As I said, how smoothly and awesome last night's practice was. This practice was a disaster! The Coach had no control, the girls were running everywhere, she would release them for a water break and instead they would go and play on the playground. I'm so lucky that Keree doesn't run off without permission, she so knows better that she would be in major trouble if she did the things the other girls do. Since practice was going so poorly, she released them early. When we got home, we were able to watch Modern Families before Keree proclaimed it was time for bed. Which was good because I'm exhausted too.

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